08:00 Registration opens
9:30 - 10:30 Welcome and Keynote (Thad Starner)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break 1
11:00 - 12:00 First Session:
EyeSense: Towards Infomration Extraction on Corneal Images
- Christian Lander, Antonio KrügerFrom the Laboratory into the Wild: Eyewear in Cognitive-Aware System Studies
- Benjamin Tag, Olivier AugereauIPRA: Real-Time Face Recognition on Smart Glasses with Fog Computing
- Till Hellmund, Andreas Seitz, Bernd BrueggeDon’t Look at Me, I’m wearing an Eyetracker!
- Roser Canigueral, Antonia Hamiltonn, Jamie A. Ward.12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:45 Second Session:
AttentivU: Evaluating the Feasibility of Biofeedback Glasses to Monitor and Improve Attention
- Nataliya Kosmyna, Utkarsh Sarawgi, Pattie MaesMental State Analysis on Eyewearv
- Olivier Augereau, Benjamin Tag, Koichi KiseHolOsci: Hololens Augmented Reality Oscilloscope Based Support for Debugging Electronics Circuits
- Hamraz Javaheri, Olaf Pfeiffer, Paul Lukowicz15:00-15:30 Coffee break 2
15:30 - 16:30 Discussion Session
Keynote Speaker: Thad Starner, Georgia Tech, Google
Do users want an immersive display?
Reality-replacing AR systems are promoted in film and science fiction but when are they actually desirable? In this talk I will present use cases for wearables that range from currently successful implementations to speculative research. I will argue that fashion, weight, eyebox, speed of access, social perception, and perceptions of safety are more important than spatial resolution and field-of-view for the many types of on-the-go AR. However, I will also examine the case for large field-of-view systems, which have provable advantages when users are solving complex spatial tasks. In dispelling some of the myths about head worn displays, I hope to make it easier for entrepreneurs and application designers to choose the right system for the task.Thad Starner is a Professor of Computing at Georgia Tech and a Technical Lead on Google Glass. In 1990, Starner coined the term "augmented reality" to describe the types of interfaces he envisioned for the future, and he has been using a head worn display as part of his daily life since 1993. Recently, Thad has been creating wearable computers to help working dogs communicate with their handlers and marine mammalogists conduct two-way communication research with wild dolphins. Dr. Starner has produced over 600 papers, presentations, and patents on his research and was elected to the CHI Academy in 2017.
For Presenters: 10 min talk + 5min Q&A Organizers →